When visiting Egypt, there are so many places you can visit, the length of your trip will never seem long enough! Here, in Egypt, you will always find new places to visit and enjoy.
Adventures in Egypt seems to never end! That's why if you come to Egypt, especially for the first time, not until you lose the opportunity to visit the magnificent places, like the Pyramids of Giza, Abu Simbel or the west bank of Luxor. There are so many tourists who fly direct to Upper Egypt to see Luxor Luxor and Aswan.
But there are certain places you should avoid, especially the places located in the central Nile Valley! Around 20 years ago there was increased tension in these places, Islamic fundamentalists have targeted tourists in order to destroy the tourism industry and economy. This is part of a larger plan to overthrow the government, seize power themselves, and install the political ideas of their own vision, a vision that no more similar to the rules of the Qur'an than the Christian Inquisition like Christ.
Several specific events also occurred during the 80's and 90's, several events happened again targeting the tourism industry. Without a moment trying to deny the reality of these events, the situation has been blown up from all proportion by the world press, while the situation in other countries with developed tourism industry worse, incidents they rarely make headlines. But in Egypt, if something happens, it becomes front page news! In the mid 90's, which is widespread, and coarse, the government implemented a crackdown campaign to try and stop the threat to tourism and visitors.
A trip to Egypt still need a lot more dangerous than travel to other places in the world. During the violence in the mid 90's, there are certain areas designated as not good for tourists. This area is located in the center of the Nile Valley, especially Minia, Asyout and Sohag. Unfortunately these places happen to have some of the most beautiful monuments in Egypt, such as a beautiful tomb in the Bani Hassan in Minia, monasteries and amazing Asyout Temple of Abydos in Sohag. In time, all sites will be fully re-opened to tourists.
However, be prepared for a police escort with you, as the local police will not let you go alone in this area! I suggest that the safest, cheapest and most informative way to visit these places is through a travel agent who has a good reputation.